Kosher for Passover Bottarga from Mullet Roe, Beth Din de Paris (France)
Kosher Bottarga Medium
Kosher Bottarga XL
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Kosher for Passover Bottarga from Mullet Roe, Beth Din de Paris (France)

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Bottarga is a delicacy from mullet. It is fish roes and it is considered like the caviar from the Mediterranean sea. Even though bottarga is not cheap, it is considered to be the "caviar of the poor". This is why we Tunisian, Greek and Italian claim to have prepared it.

The process of production of the bottarga is to dry and get it salted heavily, and then wrap it with wax. This keeps it fresh for months. Our bottarga comes from France and is Kosher from the Beth Din de Paris, which is the highest Judaism Court in Paris, France.

This Kosher bottarga with wax will enlighten your shabbat : you can eat as appetizers, alone or with bread, with olive oil or without. Give us your best recipe with bottarga using the Questions about it section. A lot of chefs use it in their recipes.

You can also try bottarga on spaghettis, scrambled eggs or with a rissoto.

If you like eating, you should always have a bottarga in the fridge. It may be expensive but it is worth it.

Once you have opened it, eat it within a week. Do not eat the wax. Keep in the fridge.

What are the Benefits of Bottarga? Mullet Bottarga is a natural product, a superfood, without additives or coloring, it is a source of calcium, Vitamin A, D and B, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc and omega-3. There are studies that say that bottarga is a cancer fighting (source: National Center for Biotechnology Information).
Omega 3s are good for the brain, heart and eyesight. Also it helps brain development for the foetus or for the breastfed child when the mother consumes them.

It is not recommended to eat it while pregnant.

Nutrition Facts for 100 g of bottarga:

It brings 143 calories, 6g of fat (10% of daily value) out of which 1.5g is saturated fat and 374mg of cholesterol (125% of daily value).

Bottarga is made of mullet (scientific name is Mugil cephalus and the species is flathead grey mullet) and the pouch of the roe comes from the female mullet and the process has hardly changed over the last 3000 years (it all started in Egypt). The pouch makes it easy to dry with salt as it does not harm the eggs (it is one of the few species that allow that). After putting salt, the eggs are being left to dry for a a couple of weeks.

Other names for bottarga are boutargue or poutargue in French, karasumi in Japanese, botargo, avgotaraho.